
Complete monthly assistance starting from R1000 per month


Introductory documents pack worth R35000 included on monthly signup


Ad Hoc assistance available on request




What is The Legal Advantage offering?



The Legal Advantage offering is a product designed to assist the employer in the South African business environment with labour law expertise to appropriately resolve misconduct, poor performance and related labour challenges.


The South African labour law environment is becoming more specialised and is both dynamic and fast moving. The employer undoubtedly needs specialised assistance to avoid costly pitfalls. 




How does The Legal Advantage offering work?


The Legal Advantage offering is a product that allows the employer to obtain ongoing labour law support with its employment relations for the payment of a set monthly fee. When you signup with the Legal Advantage offering your business receives all inclusive assistance with the resolution of internal employment relations matters.






 You get the benefit of ongoing employment law support by a qualified labour law expert by signing up to The Legal Advantage offering starting from only R1000 per month




*T & C’s Apply*






Labour Law Expertise

What labour law expertise can I expect?

Documentary Joinder Pack

What do I receive as part of my Documentary Joinder Pack?

Employer Labour Assistance



  • Sue Smyth final
  • Nigel Williams
  • Jacques Gerber
  • Eyetek Nico
  • Simon Kelsey
  • Elzaan Nel
  • Suzanne Behrtel
LAM Logo

Some helpful links


Department of Labour
Department of Justice
MEIBC logo